
Smart Dust

"In the 1990s, a researcher named Kris Pister dreamed up a wild future in which people would sprinkle the Earth with countless tiny sensors, no larger than grains of rice.

These "smart dust" particles, as he called them, would monitor everything, acting like electronic nerve endings for the planet. Fitted with computing power, sensing equipment, wireless radios and long battery life, the smart dust would make observations and relay mountains of real-time data about people, cities and the natural environment.

Now, a version of Pister's smart dust fantasy is starting to become reality...

The latest news comes from the computer and printing company Hewlett-Packard, which recently announced it's working on a project it calls the "Central Nervous System for the Earth." In coming years, the company plans to deploy a trillion sensors all over the planet. " - CNN Tech

Yea, that is what we need, right? Tiny sensors we can't see monitoring everything around us including us. Cataloging all matter movement on the planet. Sounds like TOTAL surveillance to me. Cool Tech. WAY too much power and temptation to use for ill. What do you think? Please comment.

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